Mars Farm: /about

Welcome to MARSFarm!

MARSFarm Inc
MARSFarm Forum

Purpose and Direction

This website is as test-bed for future development, though using some actual live data. GBE represents the legacy GBE data (from 2019 and 2020) and is used for "Experiment" level charting. This is most useful for comparisons of all boxes across an experiment. GBET comes from my GBE test box and has live data and images (though unfortunately little phenotype data). This data is used to demonstrate "Trial" level charting and reporting. This is where a student would typically monitor the current conditions of their box.

Some menus and items are stubbed for for the moment ("Trial" and "Experiment" are empty till the new data format is defined. Functionality will be added as it is developed.


This app is written in Python, using the Flask and Blueprint libraries.
Gunicorn is used as a secure server, and placed behind a Nginx reverse proxy server (using Certbot).
Data is supplied by two sources:

  • Data custom scraped for the 2019 and 2020 GBE spreadsheets.
  • Data being fed from my highly hacked and customized GBE box.
The data is stored in several MongoDB tables (using CloudAtlas), from which it queried for this website.